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  • 分类:行业资讯
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  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2022-05-26 17:06
  • 访问量:708




















On May 25, 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China released the “Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Strengthening Blockchain Application in the Judicial Field” (hereinafter referred as “the Opinions”), which indicates the concrete actions of the people’s courts in thoroughly implementing the Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s valuable instructions on promoting the innovative development of the blockchain technology. By further facilitating the people’s courts to accelerate the digital transformation with the support of key technologies represented by blockchain and to achieve a higher level of digital justice, the Opinions will promote the in-depth integrated development of the rule of law and technology as well as the higher-quality intelligent rule of law.


The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to the application and development of blockchain technology. General Secretary Xi Jinping noted that the blockchain should serve as an essential breakthrough point in independently innovating core technologies and he called for speedy efforts in boosting the innovative development of blockchain technology and industry so as to actively promote the integrated development of blockchain, economy, and society. In recent years, the people’s courts have vigorously furthered the blockchain application in the judicial field by establishing judicial blockchain platforms with over 2.2 billion pieces of evidence stored on the judicial blockchain. The platforms have witnessed the constant improvement of application efficiency and standardization in evidence storage and solidifying, intelligent assistance, case file management, etc., and leveraged blockchain’s strengths in ensuring that electronic evidence and electronic service are stored safely, verified online, and tamper-proof and in other application scenarios.


In order to strengthen blockchain application in the judicial field and give full play to blockchain’s role in cementing judicial credibility, facilitating social governance, preventing and resolving risks, promoting high-quality development, etc., the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China has formulated and released the Opinions on the basis of comprehensive investigation, extensive consultation, and sufficient argumentation. 32 items included in seven parts of the Opinions clarify the overall requirements for blockchain application in the judicial field and requirements for building the blockchain platforms of the people’s courts, chart courses for four typical application scenarios where blockchain technology facilitates the enhancement of judicial credibility, judicial efficiency, judicial collaboration, and economic and social governance, and specify guarantee measures of blockchain application. The Opinions’ features fall into the following six aspects:


First, proposing to build a judicial blockchain alliance featuring interconnectivity and sharing. According to the Opinions, by 2025, a blockchain alliance featuring interconnectivity and sharing between the people’s courts and all social sectors will come into being wit





















On May 25, 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China released the “Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Strengthening Blockchain Application in the Judicial Field” (hereinafter referred as “the Opinions”), which indicates the concrete actions of the people’s courts in thoroughly implementing the Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s valuable instructions on promoting the innovative development of the blockchain technology. By further facilitating the people’s courts to accelerate the digital transformation with the support of key technologies represented by blockchain and to achieve a higher level of digital justice, the Opinions will promote the in-depth integrated development of the rule of law and technology as well as the higher-quality intelligent rule of law.


The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to the application and development of blockchain technology. General Secretary Xi Jinping noted that the blockchain should serve as an essential breakthrough point in independently innovating core technologies and he called for speedy efforts in boosting the innovative development of blockchain technology and industry so as to actively promote the integrated development of blockchain, economy, and society. In recent years, the people’s courts have vigorously furthered the blockchain application in the judicial field by establishing judicial blockchain platforms with over 2.2 billion pieces of evidence stored on the judicial blockchain. The platforms have witnessed the constant improvement of application efficiency and standardization in evidence storage and solidifying, intelligent assistance, case file management, etc., and leveraged blockchain’s strengths in ensuring that electronic evidence and electronic service are stored safely, verified online, and tamper-proof and in other application scenarios.


In order to strengthen blockchain application in the judicial field and give full play to blockchain’s role in cementing judicial credibility, facilitating social governance, preventing and resolving risks, promoting high-quality development, etc., the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China has formulated and released the Opinions on the basis of comprehensive investigation, extensive consultation, and sufficient argumentation. 32 items included in seven parts of the Opinions clarify the overall requirements for blockchain application in the judicial field and requirements for building the blockchain platforms of the people’s courts, chart courses for four typical application scenarios where blockchain technology facilitates the enhancement of judicial credibility, judicial efficiency, judicial collaboration, and economic and social governance, and specify guarantee measures of blockchain application. The Opinions’ features fall into the following six aspects:


First, proposing to build a judicial blockchain alliance featuring interconnectivity and sharing. According to the Opinions, by 2025, a blockchain alliance featuring interconnectivity and sharing between the people’s courts and all social sectors will come into being wit

  • 分类:行业资讯
  • 作者:
  • 来源:
  • 发布时间:2022-05-26 17:06
  • 访问量:708




















On May 25, 2022, the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China released the “Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Strengthening Blockchain Application in the Judicial Field” (hereinafter referred as “the Opinions”), which indicates the concrete actions of the people’s courts in thoroughly implementing the Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s valuable instructions on promoting the innovative development of the blockchain technology. By further facilitating the people’s courts to accelerate the digital transformation with the support of key technologies represented by blockchain and to achieve a higher level of digital justice, the Opinions will promote the in-depth integrated development of the rule of law and technology as well as the higher-quality intelligent rule of law.


The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has attached great importance to the application and development of blockchain technology. General Secretary Xi Jinping noted that the blockchain should serve as an essential breakthrough point in independently innovating core technologies and he called for speedy efforts in boosting the innovative development of blockchain technology and industry so as to actively promote the integrated development of blockchain, economy, and society. In recent years, the people’s courts have vigorously furthered the blockchain application in the judicial field by establishing judicial blockchain platforms with over 2.2 billion pieces of evidence stored on the judicial blockchain. The platforms have witnessed the constant improvement of application efficiency and standardization in evidence storage and solidifying, intelligent assistance, case file management, etc., and leveraged blockchain’s strengths in ensuring that electronic evidence and electronic service are stored safely, verified online, and tamper-proof and in other application scenarios.


In order to strengthen blockchain application in the judicial field and give full play to blockchain’s role in cementing judicial credibility, facilitating social governance, preventing and resolving risks, promoting high-quality development, etc., the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China has formulated and released the Opinions on the basis of comprehensive investigation, extensive consultation, and sufficient argumentation. 32 items included in seven parts of the Opinions clarify the overall requirements for blockchain application in the judicial field and requirements for building the blockchain platforms of the people’s courts, chart courses for four typical application scenarios where blockchain technology facilitates the enhancement of judicial credibility, judicial efficiency, judicial collaboration, and economic and social governance, and specify guarantee measures of blockchain application. The Opinions’ features fall into the following six aspects:


First, proposing to build a judicial blockchain alliance featuring interconnectivity and sharing. According to the Opinions, by 2025, a blockchain alliance featuring interconnectivity and sharing between the people’s courts and all social sectors will come into being with the capabilities for fundamental support for data verification, trusted operation, smart contract, interoperation collaboration, etc. to be dramatically improved. By then, the judicial blockchain interoperation alliance is to be integrated into the economic and social operation system, which will actively contribute to the improvement of the business environment, economic and social governance, risk prevention and resolution, and industrial innovation and development, back China to become a peaceful, digital and credit-based country under the rule of law, and foster a world-leading model of blockchain application in the judicial field with Chinese characteristics.


Second, clarifying requirements on building the blockchain platforms of the people’s courts. The Opinions make it clear that the people’s courts need to strengthen the top-level design of blockchain application, constantly advance capacity building for interoperation collaborative application, enhance technical capabilities of the judicial blockchain, build an Internet-based judicial blockchain verification platform, and establish and optimize a standard system. In addition, the Opinions specify that it is required to create an open and shared judicial blockchain platform among people’s courts nationwide, boost the development of the interoperation alliance of the judicial blockchain platform and that of all walks of life so as to constantly enhance synergy, and build a judicial blockchain verification platform on the Internet, which enables parties and other relevant subjects to verify the authenticity of mediation data, electronic evidence, litigation documents, and other judicial data.


Third, proposing to utilize data tamper-proof technology of blockchain to enhance judicial credibility. In the Opinions, it is required that judicial data of the people’s courts, including electronic case files, electronic archives, and judicial statistical reports, is expected to be stored on the blockchain. Moreover, it is necessary to store data and operations of enforcement cases on the blockchain, uniformly store litigation documents served by the people’s courts and receipts of service on the judicial blockchain platform so as to ensure the security of judicial data and compliance of operations. The Opinions also stipulate that it is necessary to perfect the evidence verification function of the blockchain platform, which enables parties and judges to verify the electronic evidence stored on the blockchain online, so as to contribute to setting sound standards and rules for blockchain-based storage and improve the efficiency and quality of electronic evidence identification.


Fourth, proposing to optimize business processes with blockchain application to constantly improve judicial efficiency. The Opinions outline five typical application scenarios where blockchain enables circulation and application of case-filing information, connected application between mediation and trial procedures, the connection between trial and enforcement procedures, enhancement of enforcement efficiency, and enables enforcement officers and police staff to handle cases more conveniently, making more automatic business processes and higher judicial efficiency possible. Moreover, the Opinions intend to set operational rules on automatically triggering the trial procedure or the enforcement procedure upon the failure to perform mediation agreements and launch the smart contract procedure, so as to cement the judicial authority of the mediation procedure and support diversified dispute resolution.


Fifth, proposing to leverage blockchain interconnectivity to enhance judicial collaboration. The Opinions advocate to realize interoperation collaborative application between the people’s courts and administrative organs, which enables online inquiry and verification of qualifications and credit reports of lawyers in litigation activities, with higher time efficiency; to realize interoperation collaborative application between the people’s courts and procuratorial, public security, judicial, administrative and other organs, so as to improve the efficiency of online case circulation and data mutual trust; to realize interoperation collaborative application between the people’s courts and organs involved in administrative law enforcement, immovable property registration, financial securities and insurance, or organs cooperatively imposing credit-based punishment, etc. and develop a model of automatically carrying out investigation and control in enforcement and imposing credit-based punishment, so as to improve the working efficiency of collaborative enforcement.


Sixth, proposing to exploit the mutual trustworthiness of the blockchain alliance to facilitate economic and social governance. The Opinions suggest that an interoperation collaborative mechanism with blockchain platforms for intellectual property, market regulation, property registration, transactions, data ownership, online data trading, financial institutions, relevant government departments, etc. should be built so as to support intellectual property protection, business environment improvement, data development and utilization, circulation and application of financial information, bankruptcy and restructuring of enterprises, construction of the credit system, etc.






9月6日,贵州省律师行业学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神培训班在筑开班,省司法厅党委委员、副厅长,省律师行业党委书记宁茵出席开班式并作党的二十届三中全会精神宣讲。省律师行业党委副书记、省律师协会会长白敏主持开班式。 宁茵在报告中紧扣全会主题,围绕深入学习领会习近平总书记在全会上的重要讲话精神,全面准确理解《决定》提出的进一步全面深化改革重大举措等内容作了深入系统解读,并就全省律师行业抓好全会精神贯彻落实提出要求。 一要坚持用习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想武装头脑、指导实践、推动工作,原原本本、逐字逐句学习全会《决定》,切实增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”、做到“两个维护”,坚定改革信心决心,在思想上行动上同以习近平同志为核心的党中央保持高度一致;二要自觉把全会精神作为律师行业各类培训的必修课,通过广泛地学习宣传,引导广大律师进一步学懂弄通做实律师行业改革相关工作;三要把学习贯彻全会精神与学习贯彻党的二十大精神、与学深悟透习近平法治思想和做实司法部党组“五点希望”、与学习贯彻习近平总书记关于贵州工作重要讲话和指示批示精神、与行业年度重点工作和“做党和人民满意的好律师”活动结合起来,一同领会精神实质、一体抓好贯彻落实。   省律师协会会长办公会成员、监事会班子成员,市(州)律师协会班子成员、全省律师行业学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神培训班学员和省律师协会秘书处工作人员共140余人参加宣讲学习。


2024年9月6日,贵州省律师行业党委召开2024年第八次(扩大)会议,传达学习党的二十届三中全会精神和省委第十三届五次全会精神。省律师行业党委委员出席会议,省律师协会会长办公会成员、省律师协会监事会成员列席会议。会议由省律师行业党委副书记、省律师协会会长白敏主持。   会议集体学习了党的二十届三中全会的《决定》及公报和省委第十三届五次全会公报。传达学习全国律师行业党委、省委两新工委、省司法厅党委关于认真学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神的相关工作要求。   会议强调,一要更加深刻领会和准确把握全会精神。律师行业各级党组织要按照司法部、全国律师行业党委、省委工作部署要求,把学习全会精神、省委十三届五次全会精神作为理论学习、教育培训和“三会一课”的重要内容,全省律师行业各级党组织要精心组织、周密安排,采取集中学习、个人自学、交流研讨等多种形式,组织好全体律师系统学习,将学习成果转化为推动全省律师行业高质量发展的智慧力量。省律师行业党委、省律师协会将通过举办学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神培训班等多样化的方式,加强“头雁律师”对全会精神的学习,引领增强学习成效。二要发挥行业优势认真抓好全会精神的宣传贯彻。结合律师行业特点,更好地发挥职能优势、行业优势、专业优势,多渠道、多形式、多举措宣传全省律师行业学习贯彻全会精神的新进展、新成效,在推进党建与业务融合发展、增强法律服务能力、提升行业规范化管理水平、深化律师制度改革、助力涉外法治建设等方面展现贵州律师新担当、新作为。三要提升能力本领更好服务保障全面深化改革。积极引导全省广大律师胸怀“国之大者”“省之大事”,永葆人民律师本色,把党和人民满意作为价值追求,努力做党和人民满意的好律师。要增强战略思维和“远视”能力,找准新形势下法律服务的切入点和立足点,以更加优质高效的法律服务护航全面深化改革,积极投身法治建设奋力谱写中国式现代化贵州实践新篇章。   会议还通报、讨论了其他有关工作事项。




为提升律师民事金融案件业务能力,探讨相关领域的热点、难点问题,省律协金融财税专业委员会、遵义市律师协会将于2024年9月7日举办专题讲座,邀请专家授课分享,欢迎广大律师参与。   具体安排及报名二维码见下图:


为进一步发挥我省律师在数字经济法律服务领域的关键作用,8月29日,在“2024中国国际大数据产业博览会”举办期间,省律师协会召开贵州律师服务数字经济抢新机工作推进座谈会。省律师协会会长白敏、监事长朱山,贵州省大数据律师服务团、省律协大数据委、安顺市律协大数据委部分成员参加座谈会。 白敏、朱山强调,律师在数字经济时代扮演着重要角色,本次“数博会”为致力于数字经济法律服务的法律工作者提供了良好的学习交流机会,全省律师要“动起来、学起来、干起来”,加强沟通协作、分享数据服务经验,拥抱新技术、新理念,提升专业能力、深耕数据蓝海,共同推动我省数字经济产业高质量发展。   座谈会上,与会人员围绕数字资产、数据治理、更好服务数字经济发展各个领域,结合数字经济的新特点和新要求,提出“紧抓数据资源、积极融入数据治理全流程”“利用新技术助力律师提供数据服务”“律所与数据平台合作、促进青年律师融入数据服务”“积极孵化培育创业型企业数据产业”“积极参与行业标准的起草和制定”“打通数据环节、转换角色理念、依托传统业务开拓涉数业务”等一系列建设性的意见与建议。   本次座谈会为全省律师更好服务数字经济发展提供了新的思路和方向,贵州律师行业将以更加专业的技能、更加高效的服务,为新时代数字经济发展和中国式现代化建设持续贡献律师智慧和力量。

《法治日报》刊文 | 讲好律师故事传播法治正能量 贵州律师行业多举措推动宣传工作见行见效

8月29日,《法治日报》刊发了《讲好律师故事传播法治正能量  贵州律师行业多举措推动宣传工作见行见效》的文章,全文如下:   贵州省律师协会通过连续六年发布行业年度社会责任报告,展现广大律师在政治、经济、公益等相关领域中所付出的努力和取得的成绩;通过“学习贯彻党的二十届三中全会精神”系列报道,介绍如何以律师力量助力贵州进一步全面深化改革……贵州省律师协会以立体化、交叉式、常态性的宣传方式,让广大律师政治坚定、精通法律、维护正义、恪守诚信的良好社会形象深入人心。   在全国律协的坚强领导下,在贵州省司法厅的有力指导下,为更好展现贵州省律师行业工作的突破性进展、标志性成果,贵州省律师协会从完善工作机制、坚持以上率下、提升宣传质效三个方面着手,多措并举推动宣传工作见行见效。   完善工作机制   “现将《2024年7月各市(州)律协报送贵州省律协新闻信息、视频信息完成情况表》发给各位会长……”8月2日,贵州省律师协会宣传部负责人循例,向各市(州)律师协会会长告知上月信息报送情况,进一步促成领导带头、全员共同参与的贵州省律师行业良好宣传局面。   贵州省律师协会不断加强对宣传工作的统筹谋划,不定期组织省、各市(州)律师协会分管宣传工作的领导以及宣传工作人员,召开宣传工作推进会,研究制定下一阶段宣传工作要点和任务清单,明确具体任务,全力确保各项宣传任务高效推进。   贵州省律师协会制定并下发了《关于加强全省律师行业信息报送工作的通知》《关于〈贵州律师〉增加“电子期刊”出版方式的方案》等相关文件,对宣传工作进行明确部署和安排;制定信息报送任务分配表,明确各市(州)律师协会每月最低报送数,把任务完成情况作为考核评价因素之一;鼓励各市(州)律师协会相关工作人员上报视频、散文等,丰富信息宣传形式,推动宣传工作取得新进展、新突破。   构建宣传格局   为在贵州省律师行业营造比学赶超、创先争优的良好宣传氛围,贵州省律师协会广泛发动全省各级律师协会及其专委会、律师事务所的力量,持续加强宣传工作队伍建设;逐步建成包含市(州)律师协会相关工作人员、律师事务所通讯员共82人的宣传队伍,邀请专业媒体人就提升写作能力、掌握摄影技巧等相关内容开展专业培训,提升其“看家本领”;鼓励市(州)律师协会给予通讯员指导和帮助,由宣传工作人员提出修改意见,相关领导指导定稿和报送,不断建立健全各级司法行政机关指导、省律师协会牵头、市(州)律师协会支持配合、律师事务所积极参与的宣传工作格局。   在2024年贵州省律师行业宣传业务培训会上,以“短视频策划制作与创新”等为主题的分享助力律师行业宣传工作升级;在《贵州省律师协会关于表彰全省律师行业宣传工作先进集体、先进个人的决定》中,18个先进集体和60名先进个人受到表彰。   贵州省律师协会积极建立人人都是行业“宣传员”的联动机制,努力做到人人都是行业宣传工作者。   提升宣传质效   贵阳市南明区律师行业党委围绕“红色领航·法治护航”主题,深入挖掘律师行业特色,积极宣传律师助力法治建设、服务民生的生动实践;白云区律师行业深入挖掘党员律师志愿服务特色,积极宣传律师投身法治建设、助力平安建设的工作成果。   随着宣传工作深入开展,贵州省律师协会不断创新宣传方式、扩大宣传平台和渠道,努力实现律师行业工作宣传有声有色。   贵州省律师协会从开展主题宣传、推广经验做法、深挖基层典型三个方面入手,加强宣传阵地建设,依托门户网站、微信公众号、视频号传播平台,坚持平台建设和内容供给相结合;通过权威媒体宣传,报道贵州省律师行业工作动态、发展成效,有力彰显律师工作社会价值;注重内外宣传配合,加强与全国律协、贵州省司法厅以及相关部门的联系,扩大“朋友圈”、共享“资源池”,讲好新时代律师故事的贵州篇章。   贵州省律师协会在微信公众号平台推出“人民律师为人民”等多个系列报道;在权威媒体推出《贵州律协完善青年律师培养机制打好帮助青年律师成长“组合拳”》等多篇报道;在贵州省司法厅、贵州省委网信办的指导下,推荐6名律师担任2024年度贵州省网络普法志愿者。   贵州省律师协会抓部署、抓队伍、抓关键,让宣传工作的目的意义、相关举措等在贵州省律师行业内广为人知,逐步实现社会各界从“要我关注律师工作”到“我要关注律师工作”的转变。   下一步,贵州省律师协会将继续突出宣传主题、精心组织策划、细化工作要求,不断提升律师执业尊荣感,进一步讲好贵州律师故事传播法治正能量,助力实现以律师之力护航贵州经济社会高质量发展。




地址:贵州省贵阳市观山湖区长岭北路6号大唐•东原财富广场六栋二十楼   联系电话:0851-85872448   邮箱:gzslsxh@126.com 

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